SMS Short Codes

Get your custom short code keyword to build your list without the costs.

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

SMS Short Codes
SMS Short Codes
Create Memorable Mobile Keywords
Have your customers, clients, passer-by's, or audience text in your keyword to join your group. Deliver automated messages while you're away.
SMS Short Codes
Two-Way Conversations
See exactly who's responded to your text messages and reply back instantly. Have immediate and timely conversations from one sms short code.
SMS Short Codes
Capture Name & Email In Texts
When your subscriber texts in to your keyword with their name or email, we automatically store that in their contact record for later personalization.

Frequently asked questions

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Everything you need

Analytics, audio management, autoresponders, contact management, delivery reports, marketing automation, SMS triggers, SMS broadcasts, short codes, SMS contests & coupons, voice broadcasts, and a whole lot more.

50% Optin Rate!

"I used Call Loop with an audience to collect email address and I was able to get 50% optin rate by having people text in their emails to me. It was so easy!"

Laurel G

Laurel G

Living in Your Light

It automates my advertising

"I am a Realtor and Call Loop has allowed me to amass a buyers list of hundreds with just 1 hour a week. It provided the tool that allowed my business to create systems instead of to do's!"

Roger L.

Roger L.

Key Realty

Trusted by over 45,000 people, organizations, and businesses like

Bullet Proof
Career Builder

Sign up and get 25 free messages.

Check out our pricing plans. No setup fees, no contracts, no shenanigans.

Send SMS with Call Loop
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