Maximize Black Friday & Cyber Monday With Text Message Updates

Chris Brisson

Chris Brisson


May 9, 2024

Maximize Black Friday & Cyber Monday With Text Message Updates

It is that time of the year again, time to over indulge on turkey, drink too much, blame it on someone else and eat leftovers for the next 2 weeks until you never want to see stuffing ever again (side note….stuffing is disgusting, really lets fill a bird carcass with breadcrumbs and think for a second it might be good for you…I’ll pass give me some more pie).

But then again you can’t eat too much because you have to get your tennis shoes on and go hang out like a crazy person in front of Best Buy to save money on stuff you really don’t need.

Isn’t There A Better Way

Why actually there is a better way. One would be to plan ahead and get ready for Cyber Monday and the other is to stay up on discounts and specials from your favorite store through their internal mobile updates. Look at how our SMS coupon feature allows companies to send you discounts and promotions immediately to optimize your shopping experience.

Using Mobile Updates To Save Money

This day in age my biggest expense is groceries. I used to not give it too much thought, but now I watch the clerk ring up every item so that they make sure they get my discounts. I didn’t buy 2 cans of chicken broth for .59cents because I really love chicken broth.

It seems I can’t go to Publix without spending at least $50.  I came here for milk?? How much is this milk, is it from sacred cows or something?? (Rant ending here)

Because of this I decided to become apart of an elite group of shoppers and started studying couponomics and how to utilize the tools of technology to my advantage. I started with The Grocery Game and then also got in on Southern Savers. The whole point of this is to maximize and buy at the right times and not shop without a plan. If you are interested in following me in this pursuit here is a link to a bundle I created for you savy shoppers – click here

All This To Say The Following

I subscribed to every store that has a mobile updating system. I have yet to find a comprehensive list of all these stores, but you can hear about them on the radio and in the newspaper. The purpose of this is to force me to consider this way of saving money. Getting deals sent to me by text messages is a good way for me to remember that I am trying to save money on my shopping and I should be taking advantage of what comes to me.

The fact that it is a text message and not an email or inside an app is better for a couple of reasons. Previously I stated that Google started some sort of algorithm change that decides what makes it to your inbox.  I am actually getting quite sick of this as I want to be in control and I miss things because it is not in my main inbox.

For an app it is good to have these apps like GeoQpons and RedPlum, but then again you have to remember and be active with to remember to login and see what is on sale.

Granted I should just learn to do it this way, however having my alerts come as text messages makes me not have to think as much about remembering….which with everything else going on in my life it is one less thing to worry about. ‘

Brett’s Get To The Point Moment

This post was a little different in that it isn’t teaching some new way to utilize this wonderful world of mobile marketing into your own business, this was more for a consumer approach and a way of it being a case study as to see how the other side (consumers of text messages) can best utilize our sms marketing.

If you have some interesting way that you use text messaging for consumer use we would love to hear about it and showcase it here on the site.  Leave it in the comments or send us an email through the contact page.

Chris Brisson

Chris Brisson

Chris is the co-founder and CEO at Call Loop. He is focused on marketing automation, growth hacker strategies, and creating duplicatable systems for growing a remote and bootstrapped company. Chat with him on X at @chrisbrisson

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