Contact Manager

Manage hundreds and thousands of subscribers in your account.

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

Contact Manager
Contact Manager
Extremely Easy Management
Create groups to easily manage and segment your contacts for targeted text or voice messaging. Deliver messages specific for each group.
Contact Manager
Fast & Insightful Searches
Easily search your subscribers from today, yesterday, and even see who's unsubscribed from your group and messages. Segment and send!
Contact Manager
Upload & Download Your Subscribers
Upload or download your opted in contacts and include first name, last name, email, and phone number to customize your outgoing sms messages.
Contact Manager
Unlimited Subscribers!
Build your list as large as you want. You won't pay one red cent for the amount of subscribers your have in your account.
Contact Manager
Delete Or Unsubscribe
In one click, you can delete or unsubscribe a subscriber from your group. Keep your list clean in just a few clicks.
Contact Manager
3rd Party Software Integrations
Integrate Call Loop with one of our email providers to make building and growing your list, well, easy and automatic.

Frequently asked questions

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Everything you need

Analytics, audio management, autoresponders, contact management, delivery reports, marketing automation, SMS triggers, SMS broadcasts, short codes, SMS contests & coupons, voice broadcasts, and a whole lot more.

The Response Is Outrageous!

"With Call Loop we've run multiple text and voice broadcasts and we've experienced ridiculous response along with our highest registrations 30 days even before our upcoming event. As event promoter, I'm always "under the gun" to put 'butts in seats' and with Call Loop, I've got a lot less stress."

Dustin M

Dustin M

50% Optin Rate!

"I used Call Loop with an audience to collect email address and I was able to get 50% optin rate by having people text in their emails to me. It was so easy!"

Laurel G

Laurel G

Living in Your Light

Trusted by over 45,000 people, organizations, and businesses like

Bullet Proof
Career Builder

Sign up and get 25 free messages.

Check out our pricing plans. No setup fees, no contracts, no shenanigans.

Send SMS with Call Loop
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