SMS Broadcasts

Send SMS broadcasts and mass text messages to your contacts.

Start For Free

SMS Broadcasts
SMS Broadcasts
Fast Message Delivery
Create, schedule, and activate your mass text message or voice broadcast in a few short minutes. Get your message out when it counts to a large audience.
SMS Broadcasts
Create, Schedule, And Send
Create a welcome message, send a coupons, or broadcast an alert – use your imagination. Use Call Loop to send bulk sms messages.
SMS Broadcasts
Send Bulk SMS Online
Send out sms text promotions, alerts, notifications, reminders, and more.
SMS Broadcasts
Send Thousands Of Messages
Reach a handful, hundreds, or thousands of contacts quickly and effectively with one message. One voice call or SMS broadcast to reach em all.
SMS Broadcasts
Receive Texts Online
Receive sms online when your contacts reply to your sms broadcast messages.
SMS Broadcasts
Schedule Your Broadcasts
Write your sms broadcasts days, weeks, or months in advance to be sent out automatically.

Frequently asked questions

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Everything you need

Analytics, audio management, autoresponders, contact management, delivery reports, marketing automation, SMS triggers, SMS broadcasts, short codes, SMS contests & coupons, voice broadcasts, and a whole lot more.

It automates my advertising

"I am a Realtor and Call Loop has allowed me to amass a buyers list of hundreds with just 1 hour a week. It provided the tool that allowed my business to create systems instead of to do's!"

Roger L.

Roger L.

Key Realty

The Response Is Outrageous!

"With Call Loop we've run multiple text and voice broadcasts and we've experienced ridiculous response along with our highest registrations 30 days even before our upcoming event. As event promoter, I'm always "under the gun" to put 'butts in seats' and with Call Loop, I've got a lot less stress."

Dustin M

Dustin M

Trusted by over 45,000 people, organizations, and businesses like

Bullet Proof
Career Builder

Get started for free.

Send your first message today.

Send SMS with Call Loop
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